The Future in a Construction. WorldWide.


1.30 Municipality of S. Floriano del Collio (GO)

Year: 1964

Job order reference: 1.30

Client: Municipality of S. Floriano del Collio (GO)

Contractor: Geom. Gianni Dondi Enterprise - Rovigo

Category: Integrated Water Cycle

1.29 Ministry of Public Works - Municipality of Taglio di Po

Year: 1964

Job order reference: 1.29

Client: Ministry of Public Works

Contractor: Geom. Gianni Dondi Enterprise - Rovigo

Category: Integrated Water Cycle

Description: Sewer rehabilitation works in Milite Ignoto Street and asphalting and reloading in Garibaldi Street - Municipality of Taglio di Po, damaged by the flood of November 1960

1.28 Municipality of Peschiera del Garda

Year: 1964

Job order reference: 1.28

Client: Municipality of Peschiera del Garda

Contractor: Geom. Gianni Dondi Enterprise - Rovigo

Category: Integrated Water Cycle

Description: Construction work of the new urban water supply system with independent source

1.27 Municipality of Contarina

Year: 1964

Job order reference: 1.27

Client: Municipality of Contarina

Contractor: Geom. Gianni Dondi Enterprise - Rovigo

Category: Integrated Water Cycle

Description: Construction works of internal water network of Chief Town

1.26 Municipality of Lusia

Year: 1964

Job order reference: 1.26

Client: Municipality of Lusia

Contractor: Geom. Gianni Dondi Enterprise - Rovigo

Category: Integrated Water Cycle

Description: Construction works of internal water network in the town of Cavazzana

1.25 Municipality of Castelguglielmo

Year: 1964

Job order reference: 1.25

Client: Municipality of Castelguglielmo

Contractor: Geom. Gianni Dondi Enterprise - Rovigo

Category: Integrated Water Cycle

Description: Construction works of internal water network - Municipality of Castelguglielmo

1.24 Municipality of Taglio di Po

Year: 1964

Job order reference: 1.24

Client: Municipality of Taglio di Po

Contractor: Geom. Gianni Dondi Enterprise - Rovigo

Category: Integrated Water Cycle

Description: Construction works of internal water network - I phase

1.23 Institution for the Colonization of Delta Padano (BO)

Year: 1964

Job order reference: 1.23

Client: Institution for the Colonization of Delta Padano (BO)

Contractor: Geom. Gianni Dondi Enterprise - Rovigo

Category: Integrated Water Cycle

Description: Construction work of rural acqueduct - Municipality of Rosolina

1.22 Acquedotto Consorziale Valli Piovese

Year: 1964

Job order reference: 1.22

Client: Acquedotto Consorziale Valli Piovese

Contractor: Subcontracting to the Cooperative Il Progresso

Category: Integrated Water Cycle

Description: Construction works of the 1st phase, pipelines and masonries and sockets

1.16 Ministry of Public Works - Water Magistrate

Year: 1964

Job order reference: 1.16

Client: Ministry of Public Works - Water Magistrate

Contractor: Geom. Gianni Dondi Enterprise - Rovigo

Category: Other Works

Description: Works for right embankment accommodation of the River Adige between stake 0 - 210 in some different points in Municipalities of Badia Polesine, Lendinara, Lusia and Rovigo